We strive to be relevant and convenient for you, so we have developed an electronic contract signing system through acceptance of the Public Offer on the website.

If you have already discussed all the details with your travel designer and are ready to proceed with the booking, click the 'Accept Offer Terms' button, and the list of specific services provided will be sent to you in a Booking Sheet via email.
Public Offer


Individual Entrepreneur Anastasia Alexeevna Bogatyreva (INN: 780540826803, OGRNIP: 320774600034623, hereinafter referred to as IE Bogatyreva A.A., Agent) based on this public offer, proposes to any individual (having full legal capacity under the laws of the Russian Federation and their country of citizenship) as well as any legal entity or individual entrepreneur, to enter into an agreement for the provision of informational and consulting services for the selection and acquisition of a tourist product in the manner and under the conditions provided for in this Offer.

Before receiving the Agent's services, the person planning to use these services is obliged to familiarize themselves with the contents of this Offer, the Privacy Policy, and other documents located on the Agent's official website. If the person disagrees with any of the provisions of this Offer or other specified documents, the Agent recommends refraining from accepting this Offer without prior consultation.

Acceptance of this Offer is the completion and submission of the Application Form to the Agent through the website:https://nontrivitrip.ru/, to the Agent's email address ceo@nontrivitrip.ru, or verbally via the phone numbers listed on the website.

Acceptance signifies the Customer's full and unconditional agreement with the following terms and conditions, and this contract is considered concluded.

1. Terms and Definitions

In this Offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings and are an integral part of it:

**Customer** – any person who has accepted this Offer under the terms specified below. Wherever the term "Customer" is mentioned in the text of the agreement, it also refers to third parties on whose behalf the Customer acts, accompanying persons, including minors. In the context of the Parties' relationship, the Customer acts as the representative of all persons listed in the Booking Sheet and assumes all rights and obligations under this Agreement.

**Agent** – IE Bogatyreva A.A., registered in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and engaged in entrepreneurial activities providing information services for the selection (search) of a tourist product.

**Acceptance** – the Customer's full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Offer by completing and submitting the Application Form to the Agent through the website: [https://nontrivitrip.ru/](https://nontrivitrip.ru/), to the Agent's email address ceo@nontrivitrip.ru, or verbally via the phone numbers listed on the website.

**Agreement** – the contract concluded between the Customer and the Agent through the Customer's acceptance of this Offer.

**Website** – the website located at [https://nontrivitrip.ru/](https://nontrivitrip.ru/), administered by IE Bogatyreva A.A.

**Application** – a request (order) from the Customer for services provided by the Agent, submitted in accordance with the terms of this Offer.

**Partner** – an individual or legal entity, located either in the Russian Federation or abroad, that provides tourism and other goods and/or services, having entered into a corresponding agreement with the Agent.

**Personal Data** – any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

**Privacy Policy** – the policy regarding the processing of Personal Data, defining the main principles, conditions, purposes, methods of processing, and implemented measures for the protection of Personal Data and other information, published on the Website.

**Booking Sheet** – a document prepared by the Agent based on the Customer's application, containing information about the services included in the Tourist Product, their cost, payment terms, provision timelines, consumer properties, and cancellation conditions.

**Tourist Product** – a package of services provided by Partners in accordance with the Booking Sheet. Since the Agent is not a tour operator, the Agent does not engage in activities related to the formation of a package of transportation and accommodation services but promotes and sells ready-made tourist products.

The terms "tourist" and "tour operator" are used in the sense established by the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation."

For the purposes of this Offer, terms and definitions in the singular also refer to terms and definitions in the plural and vice versa.

2. General Provisions

In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public Offer addressed to other persons, and in the event of acceptance of the terms outlined below, such a person undertakes to pay for the Order under the conditions set forth in this Offer.

The Agent and the Customer guarantee that they possess the necessary legal and contractual capacity, as well as all the rights and powers necessary and sufficient to conclude and execute the Agreement.

The Customer guarantees that they have sufficient proficiency in the Russian language to read, understand the meaning, and comprehend the conditions of this Offer, and to interact with the Agent. If the Customer does not have sufficient proficiency in Russian to read, understand the meaning, and comprehend the conditions of this Offer, they must seek clarifications of the Offer's terms from the Agent before placing an Order. The Agent is not liable for any potential losses incurred by the Customer in connection with the concealment of the fact that their Russian language proficiency is insufficient to read, understand the meaning, and comprehend the conditions of this Offer.

By completing the Application on the Website, the Customer confirms that they have read the terms of this Offer posted on the Website, accept it, and unconditionally agree to its terms.

The relationship between the Agent and the Customer is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 1992, No. 2300-1 "On Consumer Rights Protection," and other applicable norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Agent reserves the right to make changes to this Offer, and the Customer undertakes to independently monitor for changes in the Offer posted on the Website. In the event of such changes and/or additions to the Offer, the Agent and the Customer shall be guided by the new version of the Offer.

3. Subject of the Agreement

The Agent undertakes to provide the Customer with informational and consulting services for the selection of a tourist product and subsequent booking in accordance with the Booking Sheet, and the Customer undertakes to pay for the Agent's services in the manner, within the timeframes, and under the conditions specified in this Offer.

The obligations to provide services included in the tourist product arise from third parties, the Agent's Partners, specified in the Booking Sheet (Appendix No. 1). The services included in the tourist product are directly provided to the Customer by these third parties, which may include tour operators, carriers, hotels or other accommodations, insurers, and other entities providing services included in the tourist product. The Agent provides information, booking of the tourist product, and other duties as stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement, but does not independently provide transportation and accommodation services, does not ensure the provision of such services, and does not retain the funds received in connection with the provision of such services.

Informational and consulting services include:
- Analysis of available travel service offers on the market (including but not limited to: providing reference information about countries and routes of possible travel, tour operators forming tourist products in the region; carriers transporting passengers; insurance products in the tourism sector; possible excursions along the Customer's chosen route);
- Analysis of the possibility of booking travel services according to the Customer's booking request.

Informational and consulting services may be provided by the Agent in the following ways:
- Verbally by phone;
- In person by prior arrangement of the Parties;
- In written form by providing an Internet link with a selection of tourist products or sending a commercial offer;
- Via email correspondence.

Depending on the specific travel conditions, the tourist products may include, but are not limited to:
- Accommodation in hotels and other places of stay;
- Meals in hotels and other places of stay;
- Transfers in the country of temporary residence;
- Excursion services;
- Attendance at cultural, entertainment, or sports events;
- Car rental;
- Services of instructors in various sports;
- Services of a Russian-speaking guide;
- Other services specified in the Booking Sheet.

Additionally, upon the Customer's request, the Agent may include other tourism services in the tourist product.

4. Procedure for Submitting the Application, Booking, and Confirming the Tour

The Customer's Application is created by completing and submitting the Application to the Agent via the website: https://nontrivitrip.ru/, to the Agent's email address ceo@nontrivitrip.ru, or via the phone numbers listed on the Website.

In the Application, the Customer specifies:
- The surnames and names of the persons planning the trip as they appear in their passports, their gender, dates of birth, passport number and date of issue;
- The travel route, the start and end dates and locations;
- The name or category of the hotel or other accommodation, the number of rooms to be booked by type (single, double, etc.), and the duration of the room bookings;
- Other conditions and information related to the ordered (booked) tourist product.

Based on the received Application, if the services can be provided, the Agent will notify the Customer within 3 business days about the availability of the services and will agree with the Customer on the further procedure.

Once the Application is received, all the information contained within it forms the basis of the contract between the Agent and the Customer.

The Parties will create a Booking Sheet after the Customer accepts the terms of the commercial offer, which will reflect all services in accordance with the Customer's wishes. If the total approximate cost of the tourist product at the stage of creating the Booking Sheet or forming the commercial offer exceeds 100,000.00 rubles, the Agent is entitled to require the Customer to make a security deposit of at least 5,000.00 rubles.

If the Customer cancels the trip at any time before its start, the security deposit paid by the Customer according to this paragraph remains with the Agent. However, the Customer has the right to use the specified security deposit for the payment of any future trips organized by the Agent, and may also transfer the right to claim services for the amount of the security deposit to a third party.

After a specific service is included in the Booking Sheet, it must be paid for within 2 calendar days from the date of sending the corresponding notification, unless a different payment term is agreed upon by the parties in any other form. The Booking Sheet is considered formed and signed by the Customer for the services paid by the Customer from the date of payment.

Any changes to the booking must be made in writing. All proposals for changes to the booking must be sent to the Agent at the email address: ceo@nontrivitrip.ru or through other communication channels if additionally agreed upon by the Parties.

The person accepting this Offer represents the interests of all persons listed in the Booking Sheet and is directly responsible to the Agent for the accuracy of the information provided in the Booking Sheet, timely full payment for the tourist product (tour), and proper fulfillment of contractual obligations.

5. Price and Payment Procedure

The total price of the Tourist Product and the payment procedure are specified in the Booking Sheet.

The total cost of the tour under the Agreement is calculated in foreign currency (USD or EUR, depending on the country of the tour) and converted into Russian rubles at the internal exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia at the time of payment of the tour or its part, with an addition of 2.5% to the cost of the tour.

After the Booking Sheet is issued, the Customer is required to pay for the tourist product in the amount and within the timeframe specified in the Booking Sheet. Since the Agent begins booking objects and arranging other services related to the trip after receiving the order from the Customer, the Customer, upon concluding the Agreement, pays at least 30% of the cost of the tourist product, unless otherwise specified in the Booking Sheet.

For payments made before 12:00 PM Moscow time, the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia on the current day should be considered. For payments made after 12:00 PM Moscow time on the current day, the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia for the next day should be considered.

If the last day of the full payment period for the Tourist Product falls on a non-working day, the last day of payment is considered to be the next business day.

Non-payment or partial payment of the tour within the agreed terms of the Agreement is considered a cancellation of the tour at the initiative of the Customer. The Agent is entitled to claim reimbursement for the actual expenses incurred in organizing the provision of the Tourist Product.

Payment for the tour is considered made at the moment the amount equal to the total cost of the services included in the tour under the Agreement is credited to the Agent's bank account.

Failure by the Customer to pay for the Tourist Product within the timeframes specified in the Booking Sheet will result in the termination of this Agreement.

6. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

Agent's Obligations:

1. Commencement of Work: Start working on the Customer's order from the date the Customer makes the security deposit or advance payment in the amount specified in the Booking Sheet.
2. Service Search and Booking: Perform the search and booking of services using the funds provided by the Customer, in accordance with the Customer's requirements.
3. Reservations: Organize and pay for all reservations according to the Booking Sheet, which are confirmed by the Partners, using the Customer's funds.
4. Booking Information: Provide the Customer with information about the bookings and the properties of the ordered services. The Customer is informed that waiting for the Agent to receive booking confirmation from Partners may take a significant amount of time.
5. Documentation: Upon full payment for the services, issue or send in electronic form the documents confirming the booking of the services ordered by the Customer, as well as other documents necessary for the Customer to undertake the trip, within the timeframe agreed upon by the Parties. The Agent may send the documents in electronic form to the email address specified in the Application or Booking Sheet.
6. Agent's Report: After providing the booked services, present the Customer with the Agent's report. The Agent sends the report via email to the address specified in the Application or Booking Sheet. Upon the Customer's request, the original report can be sent by mail within 10 business days from the date of the corresponding request.
7. Consumer Information: Provide the Customer with the necessary and accurate information about the consumer properties of the tourist product, including information about the stay program and travel itinerary, the procedure for meeting, seeing off, and accompanying tourists, and safety conditions.
8. Third-Party Rights and Obligations: Inform the Customer about the rights and obligations of third parties (Partners) directly related to the provision of services, and provide the contact details of such Partners.
9. Price and Schedule Changes: Inform the Customer in case of price increases for the provided services or changes in the travel dates for reasons beyond the Agent's control.
10. Insurance and Additional Services: Upon receipt of the corresponding application, order insurance on behalf of and at the expense of the Customer, and assist in providing other services related to the trip.
11. Group Travel Notification: In case of the inability to undertake the trip due to insufficient group size (for group or excursion tours), notify the Customer no later than 7 calendar days before the tour date.
12. Visa Assistance: In case of the need for an entry visa, ensure the submission of documents to the relevant consulate within the established timeframe, based on a separate authorization for visa processing issued by the Customer to the Agent.

Agent's Rights:

1. Contract Termination: Terminate the agreement concluded with the Customer in compliance with the rules established in section 10 of this Offer.
2. Termination of Agreement: Terminate the Agreement at any time, including in cases where:
- The Customer has not provided or has provided invalid or inaccurate documents or information about themselves and/or the persons listed in the Booking Sheet. In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated at the initiative of the Customer, and the Customer shall compensate the Agent for all losses incurred due to the violation of this provision within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of sending the corresponding demand.
- The Customer themselves and/or the persons listed in the Booking Sheet did not appear for an interview at the embassy and/or committed other actions/inactions, and as a result, these actions/inactions of the Customer and/or persons listed in the Booking Sheet led to the failure to provide any services included in the tour under the Agreement. In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated at the initiative of the Customer.
- In other cases provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. Group Travel: Terminate the agreement concluded with the Customer or recalculate the cost of the tourist product and remuneration in case of insufficient group size to the minimum number of participants (for group or excursion tours). The minimum number of tour participants is determined by the Agent at their discretion and communicated to the Customer at the time of booking.
4. Change of Terms: If necessary, change the terms of the Agreement, in particular:
- Change the schedule and route of the excursion program.
- If necessary, replace the pre-specified hotel with a hotel of the same or higher category.
- Make other justified changes.
5. Third-Party Engagement: Engage third parties to provide services within the framework of this Agreement without obtaining consent from the Customer.

Customer's Obligations:

1. Security Deposit: Pay the security deposit or advance payment in the amount specified in the Booking Sheet.
2. Payment: Pay for the tourist product in the amount and within the timeframes specified in the Booking Sheet.
3. Accurate Information: Provide valid and accurate documents and information about themselves and the persons listed in the Booking Sheet.
4. Embassy Interviews: Ensure that they and/or the persons listed in the Booking Sheet appear for interviews at the embassy and take necessary actions to facilitate the provision of services included in the tour.
5. Compensation for Losses: Compensate the Agent for any losses incurred due to the violation of the Agreement within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of sending the corresponding demand.
6. Contractual Compliance: Fulfill all contractual obligations, including the timely and full payment for the tourist product and proper execution of the agreed terms.

7. Warranties and Representations

The Customer confirms that they are informed that:
- When providing visa support, consulates may require evidence of the Customer's intention to visit the country of temporary stay and strong ties with the country of permanent residence.
- If documents for a visa are submitted later than the deadline set by the consulate, timely receipt of the visa is not guaranteed by the Agent. The Agent is not responsible for this, and the Customer agrees to bear all actual costs in this case.
- Refusal to issue an entry visa by the consulate of a foreign state is not a force majeure circumstance. Any expenses actually incurred and related to such a refusal are borne by the Customer.
- The transportation of the Customer is carried out according to the carrier's rules. The Customer's ticket is a contract with the carrier under which the carrier assumes all responsibility for transportation according to its rules. The Customer is warned that the cost of charter airline tickets and airline tickets on regular flights with non-refundable fares is not refundable regardless of the time of refusal to travel.
- Ignorance of the laws or customs of the country of stay does not exempt the Customer from responsibility for their violation. In group or excursion tours, the group escort (guide) is not a commentator on the law and does not share responsibility for others' actions or inactions.
- Additional resort fees may be charged, which are not included in the contract price.
- For domestic flights (if included in the services), additional charges for baggage may apply, which are not included in the contract price and are paid additionally.
- If car rental is included in the services, the voucher and rental contract are issued in the name of the primary driver. The primary driver is selected from the group at the Agent's discretion, taking into account the Customer's recommendations (if any). At the rental counter, the rental company must provide a car of the class indicated in the voucher. Any changes in the car class or additional options may incur extra charges by the rental company. These expenses are not reimbursed by the Agent and are at the Customer's discretion.
- When booking individual trips, the Customer's refusal of the Agreement is possible provided that the Agent is compensated for the actual expenses incurred in connection with the execution of this Agreement.

8. Insurance

Upon the Customer's request, the Agent provides assistance in arranging insurance services for various risks, including the Customer's personal property insurance and insurance against the inability to travel, for an additional fee. The Agent is not responsible for the life, health, and safety of the Customer's personal property during the trip.

The Agent recommends that the Customer insures expenses that may arise from the unforeseen cancellation of the trip abroad or changes in the duration of the stay abroad ("trip cancellation insurance"). This type of insurance can significantly reduce the negative consequences if the Customer is unable to make the trip for reasons beyond their control (illness, visa denial, and other circumstances).

Refusal by the Customer to arrange "trip cancellation insurance" is a significant condition of the Agreement and is recorded in the Booking Sheet or Information Sheet (Appendix No. 3).

9. Liability of the Parties

For non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement's terms, the Parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Agent is not liable to the Customer and does not refund the full or partial cost of the trip or compensation for moral damages in the following cases:
- Violation by the Customer of the provisions of the Agreement, including the non-fulfillment by the Customer of the obligations set forth in section 6 of this Offer;
- Refusal by a foreign state to issue entry visas to the Customer for the trip route, delays in document processing by the consulate of the foreign state, and the inability to obtain a visa or schedule an interview at the embassy before the trip begins;
- The Customer's customs, sanitary, border control issues, and other services at airports, including if this is related to the incorrect completion or invalidity of the Customer's passport, the absence of a record of family members in the Customer's passport, or the absence or incorrect completion of powers of attorney for minors;
- Changes in the pricing policy of airlines, changes in fares for booked air tickets, flight delays and arrivals, aircraft type changes, flight cancellations, and baggage transportation and safety;
- Problems, difficulties, and consequences arising from the Customer losing their passport or other documents;
- Independent changes by the Customer to individual elements of the program (excursion program, transfer, place and level of accommodation, late arrival at the meeting point, etc.), resulting in additional costs for the Customer;
- Discrepancy between the provided services and the Customer's unreasonable expectations and subjective evaluation;
- Issues related to the safety of the Customer's personal luggage, valuables, and documents throughout the trip;
- Issues related to the authenticity of the documents provided by the Customer for the arrangement and organization of the trip (passport, certificate, power of attorney, etc.) and is not responsible for possible consequences related to these circumstances;
- If the authorities or responsible persons deny the Customer the opportunity to fly and/or stay in the booked hotel for reasons beyond the Agent's control, including but not limited to violating public order, causing disturbance to others, being in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, transporting or distributing drugs, or illegally possessing weapons.

The Agent is also not responsible for:
- Carrier services, including flight cancellations or changes in departure times of transportation means and related changes in the volume and terms of services related to the independent choice of travel methods and times by the Customer and accompanying persons to the place of service (to the accommodation). In such cases, the corresponding carrier organization is responsible according to international transportation rules;
- Removal of the Customer and/or other accompanying persons from the travel route to the booked accommodation by customs, border, or other state services of the Russian Federation and/or a foreign state through their fault. The Agent is not responsible to the Customer for the refusal of the destination country embassy to issue a visa or for a delayed visa issuance. In this case, the concluded agreement is terminated, and the Customer is refunded the paid funds minus the actual expenses incurred by the Agent.
- The safety of the Customer's personal luggage, valuables, and documents throughout the trip. The Customer is warned of the need to take independent measures to ensure the safety of personal belongings, valuables, and documents throughout the trip, including taking measures in case of emergencies. The Agent is in no way responsible for the safety of the Customer's belongings.
- The Customer's refusal of part or all of the services included in the tour;
- The Customer's expenses for additional services not provided for in the Booking Sheet;
- Unauthorized changes by the Customer to the tour program provided for in the Booking Sheet;
- Actions of permanent or temporarily hired personnel and the administration of hotels and villas (managers, administrators, housekeepers, cooks, waiters, etc.);
- The discrepancy between the provided tourist services and the Customer's and/or tourist's unreasonable expectations and/or subjective evaluation, as well as the discrepancy between actual weather conditions and meteorological forecasts and reference information;
- Cancellation or changes in flight schedules of aircraft, cruise ships, and other types of transportation and related changes in the tour programs. In such cases, the Customer should file claims directly with the transportation companies and carrier representatives;
- If the accommodation administration denies the Customer residence in the booked accommodation due to the absence of proper documents, violation of public order, causing disturbance to others, being in a state of alcohol or toxicological intoxication, or violation of other rules of conduct in public places on the territory of the foreign state.

The Agent does not reimburse the Customer for expenses exceeding the agreed services and is not responsible for services not provided for in the Agreement if they are provided to the Customer by third parties.

The Agent does not reimburse the Customer's financial costs for a paid service if the Customer and/or accompanying persons did not use it at their discretion or due to their personal interests.

The Agent is not responsible for consequences arising from:
- Changes in flight schedules, delays, or cancellations of flights due to the actions of carriers, airports, railway stations, and other services directly or indirectly related to the provision of transportation services;
- The Customer's late arrival for the plane, train, bus, at the meeting point of the group, and/or for the transfer departure;
- The insurer's non-compliance with the terms of the insurance contract.

The Customer bears full responsibility for the accuracy of the information indicated in the passport and other documents necessary for entry/exit from the Russian Federation to the country of temporary stay, as well as for the authenticity of the presented documents and, in this regard, bears full responsibility for passing border and customs control when crossing the borders of the Russian Federation and foreign states. The Agent is not responsible in case of inaccurate or insufficient information provided by the Customer, as well as in case of untimely provision of such information and documents.

The Agent is not responsible for the refusal or delay in issuing entry visas to tour participants, as well as the consequences arising from this.

The provided travel documents (air/train tickets) are independent contracts of air (railway) passenger transportation with the Carrier. The Agent is not a party to the concluded transportation agreement and is not responsible for the Carrier's activities.

The insurance policy is an independent contract between the Customer and the insurer. The Agent is not responsible for the insurer's compliance with the terms of the insurance contract.

The Agent is not responsible for losses incurred by the Customer due to temporary restrictions on the Customer's right and/or the persons listed in the Booking Sheet and traveling to leave the Russian Federation imposed by federal state authorities.

In case of violation by the Customer and/or tourist of the current rules for travel and baggage transportation, damage to the property of the airline, ground, and/or other carriers, hotel, fines are collected from the guilty person in the amounts provided by the current legislation of the country where the violations were committed.

In case of late payment of the invoice, the Customer, at the Agent's request, pays a penalty of 0.1% of the tourist product price for each day of delay.

10. Termination and Amendment of the Agreement

The Agreement may be amended or terminated in the cases and manner provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including by mutual agreement of the Parties formalized in writing.

Changes to the Booking Sheet, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement, are allowed by mutual agreement of the Parties. Otherwise, making changes to the Tourist Product and other conditions of the confirmed booking at the initiative of the Customer means the cancellation of the current booking. In this case, the Customer reimburses the Agent and its Partners for the actual expenses incurred. A new booking is made by submitting a new Application.

In case of termination of the Agreement concluded on the basis of this Offer, the Customer is refunded the paid funds minus the actual expenses incurred by the Agent and its Partners.

Each Party has the right to request changes or termination of the Agreement due to significant changes in circumstances that the Parties relied on when concluding the Agreement. Significant changes in circumstances include:
- Deterior

ation of travel conditions specified in the agreement on the sale of a tourist product;
- Change in travel dates;
- Unforeseen increase in transportation tariffs;
- The Customer's inability to make the trip due to circumstances beyond their control (illness, visa refusal, and other circumstances).

The actual expenses of the Agent and Partners include, but are not limited to: the cost of booking hotel places; the cost of processing entry visas (visa fee); the cost of charter transportation; the cost of booking transportation; and other documented expenses for the execution of the Agreement.

Travel cancellation can only be made by the fact of written confirmation by the Customer, with the cancellation date being the day the cancellation notice is received by the Agent.

Information on the security deposit in case of termination of the Agreement is provided in paragraph 4.5 of the Agreement. Additional termination conditions are specified in the Booking Sheet.

11. Intellectual Property

All text information and graphic images posted on the Website have a legal copyright holder. Unauthorized use of the specified information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Customer agrees that the exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization (images, drawings, designs, graphic elements, logos, slogans, trademarks, etc.) contained in the information presented on the Website belong to the Agent and/or the Agent's Partners and/or other third parties.

Consent to the Processing of Personal Data

By accepting (accepting) this Offer, the Customer confirms their consent and authorizes the Agent to process their personal data, including: last name, first name, patronymic, contact phone number, email address, Russian and foreign passport data, marital status, and social status.

The processing of personal data in this Offer means: the collection of the above data, their systematization, accumulation, storage, updating (modification), use, distribution (including transfer within the Russian Federation and cross-border transfer), anonymization, blocking, and destruction.

The Customer confirms that they are aware of their right to withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data by sending a written statement to the Agent, indicating their name, surname, patronymic, passport data, and residence address. In this case, the Agent ceases processing personal data and destroys them in accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data."

The Customer agrees and authorizes the Agent to process the Customer's personal data using automated database management systems as well as other software and technical means. Work with such systems is carried out according to the above algorithm (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating, use, blocking, destruction).

The Agent has the right to independently determine the methods used for processing the Customer's personal data. The Customer's personal data is updated by phone or via Internet communication (email).

The Customer agrees that their personal data obtained by the Agent may be transferred to third parties in order to fulfill the Agent's obligations under the Agreement concluded with the Customer.

The Customer confirms their consent that the Agent or its authorized persons have the right to interact with the Customer by making direct contacts with the Customer using various means of communication, including but not limited to: postal mail, email, phone, the Internet, etc., provided that such third parties comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection.

When transferring the Customer's personal data to third parties, the Agent warns the persons receiving the Customer's personal data that these data are confidential and may only be used for the purposes for which they were communicated and requires such third parties to comply with this condition.

The Customer has the right to request from the Agent complete information about their personal data, their processing, and use.

The Agent ensures the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Customer, their protection from unauthorized access, copying, distribution. At any time, the Customer has the right to request a list of their personal data and/or demand that their personal data be changed or destroyed.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection," the Agent undertakes to prevent attempts of unauthorized access to the Customer's personal data provided to the Agent, promptly detect and suppress such attempts.

The procedure for processing Personal Data is also regulated by the Privacy Policy published on the Website.

12. Force Majeure

Neither Party shall be liable for the complete or partial non-performance of any of its obligations if such non-performance is due to circumstances such as flood, fire, earthquake, and other natural disasters, epidemics, explosions, transportation accidents, as well as strikes, government decrees, or orders of state authorities, war or military actions, embargoes that occurred after the conclusion of the Agreement during its validity period.

If any of the named circumstances directly affected the performance of obligations on time, then this period is proportionally postponed for the time of the corresponding circumstance.

The Party for which it became impossible to fulfill the obligation must notify the other Party of the occurrence or cessation of such circumstances by email or postal mail.

13. Claim Procedure and Dispute Resolution

If the Customer has claims regarding the quality of the booked services, they are presented directly to the Partner at the place of service provision.

If it is impossible to consider the Customer's claim at the place of service provision, the claim to the Partner can be sent through the Agent within 20 days after the end of the service provision. The term for considering the claim is 10 days.

All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Parties on issues not resolved in the text of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The pre-trial claim procedure for dispute resolution is mandatory. The term for responding to a claim is 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt.

If the Parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute is referred to the court at the location of the Agent.

14. Final Provisions

This Offer comes into force from the moment it is accepted by the Customer and is valid until the acceptance of the Offer is withdrawn or until it is actually executed, whichever comes first.

If during the validity period of the agreement concluded between the Agent and the Customer, changes are made to the current legislation of the Russian Federation or the country of temporary stay or the country of transit, which make it impossible or partially impossible to fulfill its conditions, the Parties shall determine the further conditions for fulfilling the agreement in an additional agreement.

All amendments and additions to the Agreement are valid if made in writing and signed by both Parties. The corresponding additional agreements of the Parties are an integral part of the Agreement.

Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, notifications and other legally significant messages can be sent by the Parties by email or other means of communication, provided that it allows for reliable identification of the sender and the recipient.

For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties recognize correspondence by email as legally significant.

For all other matters not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

By accepting this Offer and submitting the Application, the Customer confirms that they, as well as other persons for whom they purchase the tourist product, are familiar with its terms.

The Customer undertakes to independently inform the persons listed in the Booking Sheet of the content of the Agreement and all information provided by the Agency to the Customer if the Customer concluded this Agreement not only on their own behalf but also on behalf of or in the interests of other persons specified in the Agreement. The Customer guarantees that they have the authority to conclude the transaction in the interests of others. The Customer and other persons listed in the Booking Sheet must comply with the provisions stipulated by the terms of the Agreement.

An integral part of this Offer are:
- Appendix No. 1: Booking Sheet Form;
- Appendix No. 2: List of Abbreviations;
- Appendix No. 3: Information on the possibility of concluding a "non-departure" insurance contract, information on the possibility of concluding an additional voluntary insurance contract.

Information about the Agent:

Individual Entrepreneur: Anastasia Alexeevna Bogatyreva
INN: 780540826803
OGRNIP: 320774600034623
Correspondence address: 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoe shosse, 17/1-36
Phone: +79057808880
Email: ceo@nontrivitrip.r
Publication date of the Offer: <5.06.2024>